They say it will replace us.

But what if AI can make us faster, stronger, and more creative?

What if you could obliterate the fear of the dreaded blank doc?

And what if a single tool could turbocharge every stage of your writing?

Transform your ChatGPT capabilities in just four days.

You’re a professional wordsmith; why use a bot?

Isn't the pen mightier than the circuit board?

Even the most seasoned scribe can benefit from powerful tools. Here’s how ChatGPT can level up your writing:

Smash Through Writer’s Block

Staring at a blank screen, cursor blinking expectantly? No problem! ChatGPT can help jumpstart your creativity and break through writer's block, making sure you're never left wordless.

Brainstorm Like a Pro

Never be without a fresh angle or insightful interview questions again! ChatGPT is an inexhaustible wellspring of ideas, ready to provide invaluable perspectives at any point in the writing process.

Revitalize Your Repertoire

Tired of recycling the same phrases? ChatGPT will infuse your sentences with vibrancy, helping you craft dynamic and engaging prose.

Ramp Up Your Productivity

Maximize efficiency: Work smarter, not harder. Let ChatGPT generate ideas and outlines while maintaining your unique voice. Plus, train it to ace repetitive tasks, saving you valuable time.

“The Scribes on Fire course was incredibly valuable. Bassi’s videos were informative, to the point, and provided practical examples in a variety of writing-related topics.
“The exercise sheets were excellent tools for applying the skills, training me to use ChatGPT to inspire creativity, polish my work, and harness the power of AI to improve my writing.”
Brocha Miller
Freelance Writer

Welcome to

The ChatGPT Launchpad: Scribes on Fire!

What do you get?

The course is expertly designed with four in-depth watch-when-best-for-you video modules. 

Each module delves into a key aspect of utilizing ChatGPT for writing.

In just four days, you’ll learn:

Our journey begins by mastering the cornerstone of utilizing ChatGPT effectively — the art of prompting. We’ll delve into crafting powerful prompts that encourage the AI to generate the creative, thoughtful, and focused content you need. You’ll learn to phrase your prompts for the best responses, and discover how different prompts can lead to varying tones, styles, and content. 

This module is all about the magic of creativity. You’ll learn how to harness the power of ChatGPT to generate new ideas and perspectives. Together with your AI companion, you’ll explore fresh angles, craft insightful questions, and unlock imaginative ideas that inspire captivating content. 

Imagine having a focus group at your beck and call, ready to give you feedback and ideas anytime you need it. In this module, you’ll learn how to simulate virtual focus groups using ChatGPT. These AI-powered groups will offer varied viewpoints, provide feedback, and help you understand how different audiences might respond to your work. 

In our final module, we’ll explore how ChatGPT can be your ally throughout the entire writing process. From initial drafting to the final polish, ChatGPT can help you craft, shape, and perfect your work. We’ll cover how to use AI for drafting, how it can help with the dreading cutting process, and how it can help revamp stale content.

All this for just $99

Is there anything else?

There sure is! The four on-demand video modules form the foundation of our course, but there’s lots more. At The AI Edge learning is immediate, impactful, and interactive. Turn theory into practice, understanding into action, and potential into reality.

Active Slack Group for Support

Join a vibrant community of fellow writers on our active Slack group. Exchange ideas, seek advice, share your progress, and ask your questions. Enhance your learning with a passionate and supportive community of peers.

Instant Skill

Hands-on, interactive exercises accompany every module and give you the chance to apply your knowledge immediately, enhancing the retention of key concepts. These exercises ensure that the skills you acquire become ingrained and are instantly ready for real-world application.

Rapid Recap PDFs to Reinforce Learning

Ever wished you had a quick refresher of everything you've learned? Our Rapid Recap PDFs offer compact summaries of material covered to ensure that you have key points at your fingertips, anytime you need them.

computerized illustration of smiling white woman with brown shoulder-length hair

Who am I?

Hi, I’m Bassi Gruen. I have 19 years of rich experience in the writing industry, including over a decade at the helm of Mishpacha’s Family First magazine. I’ve written thousands of articles and edited countless more, honing a deep understanding of the craft of captivating storytelling. Now I’ve coupled this mastery with the groundbreaking capabilities of AI to create lessons that will revolutionize how you write.

“The course was very purposeful, and I especially liked the focus on immediate practical application. The layout was impressive as well – engaging and incredibly concise, encapsulating a broad array of information within compact modules.
“In a short time, it taught me to properly harness AI tools to assist me with writing. This course presents a sophisticated, impactful, and highly beneficial exploration of AI that I unequivocally recommend.”

Join The ChatGPT Launchpad: Scribes on Fire today

Fan the flames of your creativity, turbocharge your productivity, and set your writing ablaze!

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