They say it will replace us.

But what if AI can make us faster, stronger, and more creative?

What if you could obliterate the fear of the dreaded blank doc?

And what if a single tool could turbocharge every stage of your writing?

The ChatGPT Launchpad: Scribes on Fire

First cohort to Scribes on Fire is closed.

Second cohort will be June 26–30.


Sign up now to reserve your spot!

computerized illustration of smiling white woman with brown shoulder-length hair

Who am I?

Hi, I’m Bassi Gruen. I have 19 years of rich experience in the writing industry, including over a decade at the helm of Mishpacha’s Family First magazine. I’ve written thousands of articles and edited countless more, honing a deep understanding of the craft of captivating storytelling. Now I’ve coupled this mastery with the groundbreaking capabilities of AI to create lessons that will revolutionize how you write.

The ChatGPT Launchpad: Scribes on Fire

Fan the flames of your creativity, turbocharge your productivity, and set your writing ablaze!

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