Your business is only as strong
as your messaging.

Imagine having a digital team member who...

Introducing: Business Boosters

Transform your ChatGPT capabilities in just four days.

Communication is the foundation of business success.

Whether through emails, website content, posts, or presentations, your ability to express your ideas and sell your products or services effectively significantly impacts your business growth.

ChatGPT can transform your professional communication. Here’s what you’ll gain in the course:

Time Efficiency

As an entrepreneur, time is one of your most valuable assets. ChatGPT can help automate repetitive tasks and generate content, allowing you to focus on more strategic aspects of your business.

Quality and Consistency

ChatGPT consistently produces high-quality content. Use it to define your brand voice, then implement it when creating your assets, building a strong brand identity.

Innovation and Brainstorming

ChatGPT isn’t just about automating tasks. It can also be an invaluable partner in brainstorming sessions, generating a wealth of novel ideas and guiding you toward untapped opportunities.

Streamline Internal Communication

ChatGPT adds a layer of efficiency by condensing lengthy documents into succinct summaries; automating routine communications; and even assisting in creating compelling presentations.

By integrating ChatGPT into your business operations, you’ll enhance productivity, improve customer satisfaction, and drive growth while maintaining a consistent brand voice.

“This course is a must-take for every business owner. In just a few classes, it has already helped me with my marketing newsletters, client reports, and formulating future products and design packages. The modules were far richer than any other tutorial I found on the subject.
“Bassi turned what I thought was just a fad into an amazing business tool that will save me time, mental energy, and money. Bassi is an excellent teacher, and her information is gold.”
Yael Wiesner
Interior Designer & Professional Organizer

Welcome to

The ChatGPT Launchpad: Business Boosters

Your golden ticket to leveraging AI for business growth.

Give me the bottom line: What will this course deliver?

The course is expertly crafted into four comprehensive watch-when-best-for-you video modules. 

Each module delves into a key aspect of leveraging ChatGPT to ramp up your business growth:

This module is dedicated to the pivotal skill of targeted prompting, a foundational pillar of successful interaction with ChatGPT. You’ll learn how to phrase your prompts for the best responses and discover how different prompts can coax out diverse tones, styles, and content. Plus, we’ll explore how to tailor your prompts to specific business objectives for maximized impact.

Supercharge your ideation sessions by turning ChatGPT into your brainstorming partner. Discover how to frame and direct a brainstorming session with AI, position your challenges, and guide AI to explore various solutions. From generating new business ideas to devising innovative marketing strategies, you’ll find ChatGPT stretching your thinking and bringing new perspectives to the table.

Imagine having a focus group at your beck and call, ready to give you feedback and ideas anytime you need it. In this module, you’ll learn how to simulate virtual focus groups using ChatGPT. These AI-powered groups will offer varied viewpoints, provide feedback, and help you understand how different audiences might respond to your work. 

Collaborate with ChatGPT to generate a wide array of compelling written content quickly and proficiently. Discover how ChatGPT assists you in reviewing, revising, and enhancing your written materials. Learn how ChatGPT repurposes and revamps existing content for varying platforms and audiences.

Dive into this course to uncover a world where AI becomes your trusted ally, a teammate who doesn’t only assist but propels your business forward.

And all this for just $99!

computerized illustration of smiling white woman with brown shoulder-length hair

Who am I?

Hi, I’m Bassi Gruen. I have 19 years of rich experience in the writing industry, including over a decade at the helm of Mishpacha’s Family First magazine. I’ve written thousands of articles and edited countless more, honing a deep understanding of the craft of compelling writing. I’ve coupled this mastery with the groundbreaking capabilities of AI to create lessons that will revolutionize your business communication and creative process.

Is there anything else?

There sure is! The four on-demand video modules form the foundation of our course, but there’s lots more. At The AI Edge learning is immediate, impactful, and interactive. Turn theory into practice, understanding into action, and potential into reality.

Instant Skill

Hands-on exercises accompany every module and allow you to apply your knowledge immediately, enhancing your retention of key concepts. Ensure that the skills you acquire are instantly ready for real-world application.

Active Slack Group for Support

Join a vibrant community of fellow writers on our active Slack group. Exchange ideas, seek advice, share your progress, and ask your questions. Enhance your learning with a passionate and supportive community of peers.

Rapid Recap PDFs to Reinforce Learning

Need a quick refresher of everything you've learned? Our Rapid Recap PDFs offer compact summaries of material covered to ensure that you have key points at your fingertips, anytime you need them.

“The course was very purposeful, and I especially liked the focus on immediate practical application. The layout was impressive as well – engaging and incredibly concise, encapsulating a broad array of information within compact modules.
“In a short time, it taught me to properly harness AI tools to assist me with writing. This course presents a sophisticated, impactful, and highly beneficial exploration of AI that I unequivocally recommend.”

Join the ChatGPT Launchpad: Business Boosters today.

Unlock the power of ChatGPT and put your business
in the express lane to success.

The AI Edge
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